时间: 2013/5/16
来源: 互联网
浏览: 669
香港终审法院做出了一项史无前例的裁决,允许一名变性女子嫁给她的男友。 On Monday, the city's court of final appeal said that being transgender--someone whose physical and sexual characteristics may not match their gender identity--shouldn't stop someone from getting wed.
本案上诉人在法庭文件中被称为“W”,是一名30多岁的女子,2008年在香港做了变性手术。 In its 4-1 ruling, the court said it was necessary to protect the rights of transgender people. 'The greatest and most urgent need for constitutional protection is apt to be found among those who form a minority, especially a misunderstood minority,' the judgment ran.
香港终审法院以4票赞成、1票反对做出这项裁决。法院说有必要保护跨性别人士的权利。裁决说,那些少数人群总是最需要宪法保护,尤其是其中被误解的少数。 Furthermore, in defining marriage, the court said, it made no sense to 'adopt criteria which are fixed at the time of the relevant person's birth and regarded as immutable,' the judges wrote.
Gay-rights advocates cheered the decision. 'It's quite absurd that Hong Kong has maintained an obsolete position for so long,' said Law Yuk-kai, who heads the Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor.
根据提交给法院的文件,做过手术的变性人能够在中国内地、印度、新加坡、日本和韩国等国家以手术后的性别结婚。 在将案子提交至法院前,'W'在香港已经被允许携带性别显示为“女”的护照和身份证。她也需在公共厕所和运动场所使用女性设施。然而,当她在2008年向婚姻登记处申请嫁给她的男友时遭到拒绝,因为她的出生证明上性别为“男”。
法院的裁决指出,在香港,以及在许多发达国家,婚姻作为一种社会制度,其本质显然已经发生了具有深远影响的改变。香港目前还不认可同性婚姻,但是香港女同盟会(Women Coalition of Hong Kong)的杨炜炜说,法院本周做出的裁决给了她一丝希望。
根据Ms. Yeo的说法,在香港大约有200人做过变性手术。 'But this figure can't represent the real number of people having surgery,' says Ms. Yeo, given that some seek the treatment overseas, such as in Thailand, in part out of social stigma attached to the procedure.
编辑: 卢晓雪
标签: 翻译服务
附加信息 [Processed Page Metadata]
Attribute | Value |
Filename | www_香港变性女子赢得结婚权利_-_同文译馆.md |
Size | 3048 bytes |
Archived Date | 2024-11-12 21:00:53 |
Original Link | |
Author | 卢晓雪 |
Region | 香港 |
Date | 2013-05-16 |
Tags | 跨性别权利, 婚姻平权, 法律政策, 香港变性手术, 社会态度, 性别认同 |
Evaluation | [Unknown type(update needed)] |